An Essure Nightmare

Permanent Birth Control: Warning**Content May be Scary and Graphic to Some People** Let me start at the beginning; In 2008 I had a permanent birth control, called Essure, put into my Fallopian tubes.  I was 40 and knew I was done with children.  Since I lead a healthy lifestyle, I didn’t see any downside to this-knowing my body could handle it. They are simple t-shaped springs used to create scar tissue and block any sperm from getting to the egg. Boy, was I wrong?  From this point on, my body changed completely.  Unbeknownst to me the implants are made of nickel and my body was rejecting them.  I kept having strange side effects that were not disclosed before surgery.  Maybe an allergy to nickel?  By 2010, I was fully loaded…
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7 Ways to Tell if Your Baby is Getting Enough

Breastfeeding, Infants
The number one reason women stop breastfeeding is “Misperceived low milk supply syndrome," in other words, over thinking.  The more information you have at your fingertips, the more you doubt your own instincts.  Before technology, women would ask friends, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, grandmother for guidance through pregnancy-birth-breastfeeding & parenting.  Putting that into numbers, she may have received advice from 30-40 women.  Fast forward to today’s techno savvy mothers who are soliciting feedback online and she would have 10x the amount of input.  So how does a new mother with sensory overload undoubtedly know her baby is thriving?? Here I will explore methods to help unravel the web of confusion.  Ask yourself these questions before turning to your online companions: Based on a baby in the first 4 months of…
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Why You Should Have a Doula

By definition a Doula is someone who gives emotional, physical & educational support to a pregnant, laboring and or postpartum mother.  Traditionally, this woman (or man) has gone through an educational training, an apprenticeship and or attended women (for free) at least 20 times before venturing out on her own. She is also a teacher and offers childbirth, breastfeeding and baby care classes as well.  Some doulas will become a specialist in certain aspects of birth or postpartum and only offer services reflecting that.  For instance, the woman who prefers to do all the teaching but not attend the birth, or the person who only wants to attend a home or hospital birth and of course the woman who may only attend women in the postpartum period.  Helping the new…
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The Fourth Trimester

The Fourth Trimester

Breastfeeding, Infants, Life, Parenting, Pregnancy, Relationships
It's strange to hear the newborn period referenced as the "fourth trimester." You've spent 10 (not 9) long months on a countdown through days, weeks, months and trimesters patiently waiting until the end of the third trimester for "this" to be over so you can meet your little one. Emotionally, those first three months postpartum are a time of transformation for you, your baby, and your partner. Learning how to be a family is taxing. Physically your body is adjusting to the new spaciousness, milking breasts, and the crazy hormone acclimation. Let's not forget the exceptional changes a newborn phase through. The cerebellum alone triples in size during the first year. Those early experiences outside the womb are integral to optimize brain development. Newborns are born slightly immature at full…
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My Young Teen Years

My Young Teen Years

Life, Parenting, Relationships, Teens
  If you missed My Younger Years, understand that I ended the story with my mother getting remarried when I was 11.  I was completely fine with it but wasn’t aware until they got back from Hawaii.  So… Let me preface this by saying, that I absolutely loved my stepfather.  He was a troubled soul and my mother was extremely preoccupied with saving him.  Unfortunately, it was all I needed to get into trouble.  Skipping school, hanging with the “bad kids” and sneaking out were easy to do when your mom wasn’t watching.  Through it all, I still managed to skip a grade in school due to my grades (went from 7th to 9th) but that didn’t matter.  The more I sought my mothers’ attention the worse trouble I was…
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My Younger Years

Kids, Life, Parenting, Relationships
My “Young Me” Story Follow my upbringing to see where I landed in my adulthood and parenting!  Start at the beginning... My mother and father were 18 and 20 when they got married (she was not pregnant).  Mom delivered me 2 days before her 20th birthday, in Brooklyn, NY. So, I grew up an only child with a single mom in an Irish catholic community in Rockaway Beach, NY (that’s a part of Queens). My parents divorced when I was a baby and I never met my father until I sought him out in my 20’s. Two of my aunts lived within walking distance and I spent a fair amount of time playing with my cousins.  Matter of fact, one cousin and I were “twins,” born 18 hours apart and…
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Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga

Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga

Prenatal & New Mom Yoga Prenatal and postpartum yoga can be the one thing you are missing! Just as your emotional side of pregnancy and postpartum needs community, so does your physical side. Coming to class during pregnancy will help you find your “tribe”. If we missed you pregnant you can still build a tribe during postpartum yoga, with the baby in tow. The First and Fourth Wednesday 3-4pm & every Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm Register Here If the word YOGA scares you, relax we will do the most basic poses for you to feel comfortable. Mind, body, and spirit connection is the goal during these classes. We offer yoga to help bring more ease to your body and mind while preparing you for a comfortable pregnancy and helping you heal postpartum. Our…
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Therapeutic Ultrasound for Plugged Ducts

Therapeutic Ultrasound for Plugged Ducts

Therapeutic ultrasound for plugged ducts may give you the relief you are looking for when all else has failed. Most will resolve on their own but some stubborn clogs may need expert assistance. Not everyone will get a plugged duct, but some women experience chronic issues with this. Talk to us about proactive care. To understand how the milk gets “plugged” the ducts inside the breast carry milk from deep within the breast to the nipple openings, to allow you to breastfeed. Sometimes these ducts can develop a clog or blockage of milk that results in a tender or painful lump or firm area in the breast. You will be able to feel this lump in your breast like a marble under the skin. The skin around the lump may also be…
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Newborn Care Specialists

Newborn Care Specialists

Infant and newborn care specialists can take the jitters away from parents. After all, babies can be scary creatures for those that have never been around them.  Learning how to read their cues, which cry means what, and being adept at holding-feeding-rocking, etc., can seem overwhelming.  With 30+ years in the business, we have marketed our business as the “Baby Whisperers”.  If there is anything you want to know about babies, you’ve come to the right place.  Call for one on one education, group lessons, or classes. Sign up for a postpartum yoga class and get this education with it. A twofer! From bathing, dressing, swaddling, sleep patterns, gas, fussiness, growth spurts, reflux, tongue tie, tummy time, and everything in between, you can expect a comprehensive lesson with a plan. …
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Perinatal Mental Health: Supporting Maternal Well-being

Perinatal Mental Health: Supporting Maternal Well-being

Providing information, resources, & support to individuals & families navigating the emotional challenges that can arise during pregnancy & the postpartum period. Our aim is promote awareness, understanding, & early intervention, ensuring the well-being of both mothers & their babies. Understanding Perinatal Mental Health Perinatal mental health refers to the emotional well-being of individuals during pregnancy & during the first year following childbirth. It encompasses a wide range of mental health conditions that can affect women during this crucial time, including prenatal & postpartum depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) & postpartum psychosis.  The Importance of Perinatal Mental Health Recognizing and addressing perinatal mental health is of utmost importance, as it not only affects the mother’s well-being but can also impact the developing bond between mother and…
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